Investing in Zero Days to Expiration (Zero DTE) options strategies through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has gained popularity in recent years, particularly for investors seeking to generate income through premium selling. These ETFs, such as the Defiance S&P 500 Enhanced Options Income ETF (JEPY), employ a strategy focused on selling put options with very short expiration […]
put selling
New Highs Brings Out the Options Sellers
SpotGamma collects raw data which sheds light on the previous weeks options transactions. This past weeks data was quite interesting in light of several of the developments which took place last week. Below we’ve taken the total number of contracts bought to open, netted against contracts sold to open. Here we are only showing large […]
How To Keep The Gamma Squeeze Going With Put Sales
Here’s why paying too much for a call option can actually go against a stock squeeze It was just a few months ago that the effects of “Gamma Squeezes” became main stream knowledge. YouTube streamers and Reddit message boards now espouse the impact of call options in the markets, pushing their tribes to “buy stock, […]