CLOV is a healthcare SPAC that is quite popular with the wallstreetbets crowd. It typically carries a very large amount of open interest, and along with that a lot of options gamma. Because of this CLOV seems to pin SpotGamma’s highest gamma strike. In the chart below you can see this highest gamma strike for […]
gamma pin
Brace For Surge In Volatility: Goldman Warns Record February Op-Ex Could Lead To Market Chaos
From ZH In case the market didn’t have enough things to worry about, Goldman has flagged a new scare that could spark a turmoil in today’s option expiration. As Goldman’s Vishal Vivek writes, today’s option expiry “is setting up to be the biggest for single stock options, outside of a January expiration.” Indeed, while open […]
GME Options Pin
On 2/1 with GME stock at $225 we wrote about how options dealer flows could result in the stock dropping to the $60 strike. We highlighted this strike because it was where the largest concentration of options were placed (from a gamma perspective). You can see that is is precisely what has played out: This […]